Blog da Ana Maria Bahiana

Categoria : Hall of fame

Adeus, Frank Pierson, mestre roteirista
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Ana Maria Bahiana

Frank Romer Pierson, 12 de maio de 1925 – 23 de julho de 2012


Mom.  Mom.  There are some things a

mother shouldn’t say in front of

her son.


If she comes down here, so help me

I’m gonna mash her brains in.

Everything in your life was sunlight

and roses until you met her.

Since then, forget it.


She doesn’t have anything to do with it!

You understand that? Mother?  This is me!


I know you wouldn’t need Leon if

Heidi was treating you right.  The

thing I don’t understand is why you

come out and sleep with Heidi

anyway?  You got two kids on

welfare now.  What’re you goin’ to

bed with her, you don’t have enough

with one wife and two kids on

welfare, you want a wife and three kids on welfare?


(this is old stuff)

Not now, Mom, please.


What’ll you do?  Come out.


(patiently – I told you

a hundred times)

I can’t, Mom.  If I come out Sal

will kill them.



(she thinks for a moment)



What the hell for? Twenty-five

years in the pen?




Maybe!  Aw Christ, what dreams you

 live on!  Maybe what?

She stares at him.He talks slowly and carefully to her.


I’m a fuckup and an outcast.  There

isn’t one single person in my life

I haven’t hurt through my love.

You understand that?  I’m the most

dangerous person in the world,

because if I love you, watch out,

you’re gonna get fucked, fucked

over and fucked out!

(Roteiro de Um Dia de Cão/Dog Day Afternoon, 1975)

Adeus, Ernest Borgnine, que ensinou o que é um character actor
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Ana Maria Bahiana

Ernest Borgnine no set de O Ódio Será Tua Herança, de Sam Peckinpah, 1969

Ermes Effron Borgnino, 24 de janeiro de 1917- 8 de julho de 2012

“Acho que todos nós temos o desejo de sermos palhaços, quer tenhamos consciência ou não. O palhaço representa emoção profunda, alegria de viver. É um modo de expressar nossos sentimentos mais profundos, protegidos por uma máscara.”

Adeus, Nora Ephron, cineasta, roteirista, realizadora, grande dama da comédia romântica
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Ana Maria Bahiana

NORA EPHRON, 19 de maio de 1941 – 26 de junho de 2012

 We see them both looking at the TV, Casablanca playing.


Ooo, Ingrid Bergman, now she’s low maintenance.


Low maintenance?


There are two kinds of women. High maintenance and low maintenance.


And Ingrid Bergman is low maintenance?


In LM, definitely.


Which one am I?


You’re the worst kind. You’re high maintenance but you think you’re low maintenance.


I don’t see that.


You don’t see that? Waiter, I’ll begin with a house salad, but I don’t want the regular dressing. I’ll have the Balsamic vinegar and oil, but on the side. And then the Salmon with the mustard sauce, but I want the mustard sauce, on the side. On the side is a very big thing for you.


Well I just want it the way I want it.


I know. High maintenance.

(Roteiro de Harry e Sally-Feitos Um Para o Outro/When Harry Met Sally, 1989)

Tags : Nora Ephron

Adeus, Carlão, alma corsária, patrono do nosso cinema udigrudi
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Ana Maria Bahiana

Dirigindo Sede de Amar, 1993

Carlos Oscar Reichenbach Filho, 14 de junho de 1945 – 14 de junho de 2012

No começo da minha carreira  a vida era mais importante que o cinema. O cinema era mais alguma coisa. Um pouco como o poder de apreensão do que a gente tava vivendo naquele momento. Não canso de dizer que fui de uma geração que viveu muita coisa em muito pouco tempo. ” (Parte de uma entrevista feita em 1999 por  Ruy Gardnier e Daniel Caetano no site Contracampo.)